Don’t take our word for it. Hear our customers
PortExpertise did efficiently lead the innovative and challenging pilots on RIS enabled Corridor Management. PortExpertise contributed in this way to a step forward in European Interconnected RIS services for the benefit of the user in inland navigation. The direct and multidisciplinary approach of PortExpertise saved time and energy winning speed.
- Cas Willems, Project Manager, Rijkswaterstaat, National Competent Martime Authority for the Netherlands, Chairman PIANC, Netherlands, 2016
We valued PortExpertise’s research on port development and appreciated their contribution to organizing a comprehensive visit to the port of Antwerp petrochemical cluster for Russian regional authorities. Theory and pragmatism are always part and parcel of their approach.
- Nikita Ponomarev, Partner Roland Berger Moscow, 2016.
The quality of the work delivered was top-notch. Will take him on board anytime again.
- J.R.Swagers, Cargill International project lead A-Force team
PortExpertise’s research on port development and their contribution to organizing a comprehensive visit to the port of Antwerp petrochemical cluster for Russian regional authorities illustrated their dual method of policy and field action. Theory and pragmatism are always part and parcel of their approach.
Nikita Ponomarev, Partner Roland Berger Moscow, 2016.
- Nikita Ponomarev, Partner Roland Berger Moscow, 2016.
We valued Port Expertise’s functional and coordinating support for implementing European maritime directives in Belgium, such as SafeSeaNet, the ANNA-project, and the integrated maritime surveillance. We could count on the ICT-expertise and the multiple backing in guiding, coordinating and reporting in these processes.
- ir. Nadia Bos, Head of Department Shipping assistance division of the agency for maritime & coastal services, SafeSeaNet National Competent Authority Belgium”
PortExpertise is a reliable, no-nonsense team player, only results count.
- E.Baart, Partner at Deloitte