Evaluation of future developments opportunities in Europe for Europe’s biggest dry bulk terminal EuroSilo, Ghent, 2014.
PortExpertise researched opportunities for expansion of Europe's largest dry bulk storage company EuroSilo in Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, Poland) against the background and outlook of the main European dry bulk ports.
EuroSilo in the Ghent port, Belgium, wanted to expand in dry bulk business in Europe and wanted to have a clear view on feasible opportunities.
PortExpertise experts analyzed the European dry bulk ports and analyzed potential candidates for joint venture or takeover. Data included detaled financial, technical, financial and personnel related information. Moreover, PortExpertise analyzed the client's imagery within its client base and recommended a communiucation strategy for reinforcing its positioning within the expansion process.
The client's board could take motivated decisions based on the data and had a clear view on what investment options would deliver.

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